Wednesday, February 8, 2012

School of Humanities Departments Veto Language Requirements

Our comrades from the Spanish & Portuguese department held their last meeting a couple of weeks ago. The Grad Student meeting revealed that there will be changes in the language requirement:

Departments are now free to decide what their language requirement will be since school wide requirements have been stopped.

English majors will still have to take another language (good, b/c English is 40% of total enrollment in Humanities, they total 900 majors).

The Departments of Art History, Philosophy, Visual studies, Film and Media will all reject language requirements.

History is still undecided about the language requirement as of last faculty meeting on 1/11.

Spanish is expected to lose 10% of enrollment in undergrad courses as a result of these Humanities departments' decision to do away with the requirement.


  1. I believe that this posting needs to be fact checked, concerning the statement made about Art History, Visual Studies, and Film and Media Studies.

    1. This was the information we got from the minutes of the last meeting of graduate students from the Span & Port department. But we will check.

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    A grad rep from the Spanish and Portuguese Department came to our meeting today and she told us that the information was provided by them from the Faculty Meeting (from the same department). They will try to get written documentation from the responsible parties.

  3. What did the history department decide? Will this affect all current students?
